10360 Woods Cross Road, Gloucester, VA 23061
Event Dates:
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Event 2024270023 and Event 2024270024
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Event 2024270025 and Event 2024270026
Registration Opens September 13 & Closes October 11
Registration is now CLOSED.
If you need more information, please feel free to email
our Fast CAT Trial Secretary at the above "Contact" link.
Gloucester Kennel Club Fast Cat Events
Please take your time and complete your entry correctly so your registration will not be delayed or deleted!
1. Every dog (NO EXCEPTIONS!!) MUST be have a recognized AKC (American Kennel Club) registration number before registering for our Fast CAT events. If you wish to enter a dog that does not have an AKC Purebred Dog registration number, you can visit the AKC Online Registration and obtain an accepted "Canine Partner" or "Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL)" registration number for your dog.
2. Run 1 and Run 2 do not indicate AM or PM! If you wish to run your dog only once on a day, choose Run 1 (NOT Run 2). Similarly, if you want to run twice in a day, choose both Run 1 and 2 for that day. Run times are later calculated according to "Preferred Run Time" and other "Catch/Release Person or Special Notes" indicated on your registration form.
3. In STEP 4, DO NOT click the link at the bottom of the PopUp Cart -- doing so will result in an incomplete entry! Make sure the number of runs are correct in the PopUp Cart, then click the link at the top to close the Cart. When everything is correct, click the blue "Submit" button at the bottom of the form. This submits your information to us and takes you to the payment process.
4. Entries are NOT complete unless payment is received!
5. Once registration closes, NO additional entries can be accepted, so please be aware of the deadline!
Gloucester Kennel Club Fast Cat PREMIUM:
AKC Fast CAT: https://www.akc.org/sports/coursing/fast-cat/
AKC FIT DOG: https://www.akc.org/sports/akc-family-dog-program/akc-fit-dog/
Future Gloucester Kennel Club AKC Fast CAT Events:
March 22-23, 2025; April 26-27, 2025; October 25-26, 2025